*Warning: Contains spoilers for the ending!
コナミさんのファミコンアクションゲーム「火の鳥」を初見で攻略してるよ! 今日も練習しながらクリアめざすよ~
→ゲームクリア! 面白かったけど、最後の絵の場所を見つけられたのはホント偶然(笑)。面白いゲームなんだけど、主人公のパワーアップがぜんぜん無いのと、1回やられると初期状態に戻るのホント困った~。BGMはいつものコナミサウンドで最高! 2周目の追加要素とかあったらもっと名作になったと思うけど残念! 見てくれてありがとー。スパチャもサンキュ!
I’m playing Konami’s Famicom action game “Phoenix” on my first try! I’ll keep practicing today and try to clear it!
Result: Game cleared! It was fun, but I was really lucky to find the location of the last picture. lol
It’s a fun game, but there are no power-ups for the main character, and it’s really annoying that you go back to the beginning after losing once.
The BGM is the usual Konami sound, and it’s great! It would have been even more of a masterpiece if there had been additional elements for the second playthrough, but unfortunately there isn’t!
Thanks for watching. And thank you for the super chat!
© 1987 KONAMI
© 2022 OneComme.
Ika & Ninon Ch. のメンバーシップ紹介!: